Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksliving, Christamas at th Barretts, and Other Ramblings

The other day I finished creating my "Holiday Planner".  I've had several over the years and even bought Marcia Ramsland's  Simplify Your Holidays There's one online I would love to down load, but at last, it $15.00 bucks and I can not justify it.  I like creating my own planners and stuff because I can take things from various site and personalize them.  I need to find some Thanksgiving devotionals to print and use the week of N0v.21.  Years ago I got Barbra Rainey's "Thanks Living"  I love it!  It really focuses on remembering the Thanksgiving history and putting a biblical prospective on things.   I maay takee this and sorta make our own "Barrett Thanks Living Devotional".  For the past 2 years, we've had company on Thanksgiving Day and I sadly admit that I have been as diligent on this aspect of the holiday that I should be. 

We are also contemplating having some friends over,  The wife/mom is a nurse and has to work that day.  All their family lives out of state.   I love to have people over.  I know the holidays are about family (which I'll talk on in a minute) but I just love to give and serve to others.  Yes, I know you can (and should) do this all year around, but there's something about the holidays that energizes people; energizes me!  I not one of these people that can got serve food to the homeless - wish I could.  However, I know that although my physical abilities are limited I can serve God through serving those who pass through our home.

Christmas at the Barretts  - we are hosting a Christmas get together on Dec 11, for my side of the family.  I live halfway between mt Uncle's family and mom and my siblings.  I'm supper excited!  I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters so getting everyone together is hectic,  Not sure they'll all make it, but hoping most of them will.

Shopping -   Hoping to start shopping this week,  will do most of it on line .

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